Welcome to Social Anxiety Bristol

Social Anxiety Bristol (SA Bristol) is a self-help group open to anyone who experiences or has experienced social anxiety.

Our support group offers a safe place to come and talk about your social anxiety and get help and advice from like-minded people who have been through similar experiences.

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Latest news

  • Sessions are now held on Thursdays at a new venue

    We will now be holding our sessions in a new venue, at Totterdown Baptist Church, Wells Road, Bristol BS4 2AX on Thursday evenings.
    They didn’t have availability on Monday evenings so we have gone back to having the group on Thursdays at 7.30pm.

    We really hope that this won’t cause too much inconvenience for those of you who want to attend the group. We’ve made the decision to move as it will reduce our costs and ensure that the SA group can continue for the foreseeable future.